
Hi, lovelies! I finally purchased a domain name for this blog — about time. I am not sure why I hesitated, but felt it was something that finally had to be done. You can now catch me at www.anenclothedcognition.com. Also blog related, I was wondering what sort of content my readers are interested in? Obviously I will continue to publish the usual outfit posts, but I was wondering if there was any other sort of content you would be interested in seeing? I am open to anything! My biggest concern is to just make sure that you all generally enjoy reading this blog. I greatly appreciate your continuous support and love. The comments you leave me make me smile and brighten my day! Thank you for taking the time to give me feedback!

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58 thoughts on “Updates

  1. Congrats!

    Love your outfit posts. Last year I was so into reading all these outfit/makeup posts and review posts but coming into 2016, I realized I liked reading “real” shit, you know? Like there are 800 million outfit posts out there, but I love when people get real about themselves (which is also something I'm struggling to do on my own blog).


    COFFEESLAG Current Healthy Habits


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